Canvas & Poster Prints

Canvas Prints - Your photos on Canvas

MG Imaging love to give ideas to our customers. Canvas prints look brilliant for all sorts of occasions. Delight your friends and family with fabulous canvas prints. Bring a smile to a loved one's face. Capture special memories of birthdays, holidays, weddings, friends, pets and parties. Send one as a present to a friend. Photos printed onto canvas look extra special, and MG Imaging can help you enjoy all those great times!

Our canvas prints are produced using only the best quality material and are then gallery wrapped on the frames. You can choose from colour, B&W or even sepia toned prints and we also include free Red Eye and Date Stamp removal. We can scan from your original photos or you can supply us with High Resolution digital files for us to reproduce at a maximum size of 40” x 40”.

Poster Printing

Why not have your photographs put on to a poster? Advertise your business with shop front images? Or brighten up your reception area with images of your work? Our poster printing is a great way to enhance any environment at low cost. We only use the best fine art machines to produce fantastic results at economical pricing. Images can be printed on satin, gloss or matt paper to make the most of your photos or poster ideas.

We are located at:

MG Imaging Ltd

15b South Street




Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:


+44 02392 474727


Or use our contact form.

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